The Garden Counselling

The Garden Counselling & Restorative Services

Counselling | Spiritual Direction

About Me 關於

FLORENCE CHIU | Professional Counsellor
MA Counselling, Registered Hong Kong Professional Counselling Association Member, Registered American Counseling Association Member, Certified Prepare/Enrich facilitator, MA Religion
Florence holds a MA in Counselling from Boston, and is trained in both mental health and marriage/family systems, with experience from Hong Kong and the US. She has worked with individuals, families or groups in a variety of contexts, including hospitals, hospice, nursing homes, churches, behavioral health centers and counselling centers.Counselling is not only for a person's mental health, as our emotional, mental, spiritual and physical parts are all connected and affects us as a whole. Florence seeks to use counselling to restore fullness and life to the whole person by coming alongside each person’s individual identity, unique strengths, and life experiences. She believes in bringing transformation to the deeper parts of our hearts and minds, and meet core human needs to be known, loved, understood, and healed. Her training in family systems is foundational to ushering restoration not just for the individual, but also families.Languages spoken: Cantonese, English
Specialties: Grief, family therapy, trauma, suicide prevention, spiritual direction, relational conflict, anxiety, depression, post-crisis, career counselling
Approach: Integrative, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), Family Systems, Emotion-Focused (EFT), Trauma-Informed, Narrative
趙珮孜 | 專業心理輔導員
美國戈登康威爾神學院專業輔導學碩士(MACO); 宗教神學碩士(MAR); 香港專業輔導協會會員 (HKPCA)、美國專業輔導協會會員 (ACA); 認可婚姻輔導師 (Prepare/Enrich)
趙女士擁有美國專業輔導學碩士學位和基督教神學碩士學位。她輔導經驗跨越香港和美國、提供個人、心理、婚姻、家庭、哀傷等輔導服務。她採用的是綜合性輔導來指引和促進全人身·心·靈復還、治癒人的心靈和核心需求。她熱衷將輔導作為一種橋樑工具、帶出個人擁有的獨特優勢、長處和人生經驗來復還個人和家庭基礎、引致充實豐盛人生。服務語言: 粵語,英語
專長: 個 人、婚姻、家庭、哀傷、焦慮、抑鬱、災後心理輔導、情緒困擾、人際關係、靈修指導、職涯規劃發展
治療向導: 綜合性認知行為療法、家庭治療法、情緒導向治療、敘事治療、靈性治療

Services 服務

Online Counselling or Face-to-face Counselling available
- Individual Counselling 個人輔導
- Couples Counselling 婚姻輔導
- Grief Counselling 哀傷輔導
- Family Counselling 家庭輔導
- Spiritual Direction and Prayer Ministry 靈修指導
- Prepare/Enrich Assessment 認可婚姻輔導

Booking 預約方法

Appointments can be made via 通過以下方式預約:
- Whatsapp: +852 9542-4124
- Email 電郵: [email protected]
- Filling in contact form below 填寫以下網上表格
Please give 24 hours notice for changes in appointment schedules. 如須要更改面談的安排, 請於約前 24 小時作出通知。

Contact Us 聯絡及查詢

Please contact us if you have any questions regarding our services.